Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Steve Mulrooney - 10 things I love about you!

1. Your confidence to be just who you are - no shame in watching endless 'how is it made?' (!!), saying what you think and not giving in to all the unspoken rules and pretenses that so many people abide to which so often is out of fear of being different.

2. Your quiet humility - you are so good at so many things and you are so happy to serve and love people around so loyally without trying to put yourself in the lime light and show how good you are.

3. Your dislike of ketchup with most things and sweetcorn!

4. You're endless patience over clean socks (; & all my weakness x

5. Your strength to face your fears and have the courage to overcome them

6. Your consistent pursuing love for me - I really feel like your treasure.

7. Your desire to give our kids your time, to play with them, teach them stuff, to rough and tumble, read stories, kiss them, whisper in their ear about their how special they are - you are an amazing Dad.

8. For showing me the importance of talking about stuff, being quick to admit when you're wrong and saying sorry and looking me in the eye to say 'I forgive you'.

9. I admire you're ability to do endless research to reach for the best..... and I love seeing you work to get better at stuff like climbing.

10. You're confidence in Who made you, where you've come from, your ability to live for today (in a different country), and that you always put your family before yourself - I love you. We all love you. Never forget that.

You have always been my number one man and always will be....... I'm so proud of you and am so proud to be walking life beside you....

Happy Valentines xxx

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