Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Now listen daughter..... don't miss a word

So as most of you will know we are in the middle of taking one of the biggest steps of our life! About six months ago we spent weeks thrashing through every possible side there was to a decision of moving back to the states or staying put. It had always been one of those things that sat on the shelf of our minds and would come down for a read and consideration and then up to this point had always been put back because there was always a clear no. This time tho we took it off the shelf and something was different. We opened the question and for me there was a real sense of peace in the asking - and an underlying openness that had if I'm honest not really been there before. So much so that for the first time I threw the question open to God asking Him to speak but with a readiness to be obedient no matter what He said..... so one morning whilst Steve was away I brought the question before God and asked him for a clear answer. I asked him for something that couldn't be questioned. Something I could read (ideally!) over and over..... because I said 'I know if you say yes to this God I'm going to need to really know, know'. So the sun was rising, everyone was still sleeping and there was just the noise of a few birds starting to sing..... having asked the question I then opened my biblesync (daily reading) to these words.....

Now listen, daughter, don’t miss a word:

    forget your country, put your home behind you.
Be here—the king is wild for you.
    Since he’s your lord, adore him.

“Set your mind now on sons—

    don’t dote on father and grandfather.
You’ll set your sons up as princes
    all over the earth.
I’ll make you famous for generations;
    you’ll be the talk of the town
    for a long, long time.”

(Wow. Boom. OK God. Crickey I know I asked but seriously??!)

We are now almost six months on. Not surprisingly this word (along with many other confirmations) led us to the decision to make the move. To pack up our life here in York and go with what God was saying for the future. On many levels it seemed (and sometime still does) a huge risk.... packing up four kids, leaving an incredible community of friends, church, a beautiful city, good jobs with security..... leaving it all behind, counting the cost on many levels..... but..... all the while we know in our heart of hearts that there is no better place than to be where God would have us, that obedience is not always comfortable or easy, its not alway secure (in the earthly sense) but God's promises for us our so much bigger than any of these 'risks'. He will never leave us. He is our provider. He is our hope, our future, our security. He is good. His plans are the very very best. He knows us intricately and cares about the little things. And in all these promises along with every single promise in the bible - its clear - there's no 'well may I'll' or 'perhaps'. The words are certain. He IS.

And so today, as we are heading into the final weeks of our time in York and the logistical network of everything needs working out and when its so easy to be overwhelmed by logistics or emotions I hold fast to God, his words and promises - knowing He doesn't change even when everything else is. 

Tonight as I write this I too sit here wondering why it is that I don't do this more often. Why don't I seek God for these clear words for every season of life? - not just big decisions  - but in every season. Having God's word for the season to read in the good and the hard makes every part easier because it keeps reminding me who is in control.... it takes the focus off me, off the ifs and buts and puts my focus in the right place and I sure hope I don't forget to press into God for each and every season I'm honoured to live through from here on......

Bring on the adventures.

Wherever they may lead.........(eeeek!!)

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